Note: This article was originally published in our Autumn 2019 edition of our On Call newsletter, and has not been updated.
Our Council meetings are open to members and the public. If any of these highlights from the October Council meeting, held October 9, 2019, interest you, you can click here to read more in the meeting materials
The College held Executive elections at the October meeting. Congratulations to the following Executive members who now make up the 2019-2020 Executive Committee.
Executive Members
Claire Ramlogan-Salanga, RM, President
Edan Thomas, Vice-President (Professional)
Susan “Sally” Lewis, Vice-President (Public)
Marianna Kaminska, Public-At-Large
Maureen Silverman, Professional-At-Large
Council approved revisions to the Prescribing and Administering Drugs Standard. This standard describes the College’s expectations regarding the prescribing and administering of drugs and sets out the conditions for safe prescribing, appropriate record keeping, and the information that a midwife must include in a prescription. These revisions were recommended in order to reflect current midwifery practice.
Read more about these changes on the next page.
Council approved the Executive Committee’s proposal to allow members of the public, or members of the profession, to directly address Council at its open meetings.
The proposed Governance Process Policy GP15 on Addressing or Presenting to Council in Open Meetings, was presented to Council in October. The policy outlines the process in which the public must provide a written request to the Registrar & CEO no later than 10 business days prior to the day of the meeting. The requests shall include a brief description of the specific matter to be addressed.
Permitting individuals to address or present to Council supports the College’s public engagement strategy, as well as supports the Council’s guiding principles of transparency and accountability.