We are requesting feedback from midwives, the public and stakeholders about our proposal to revise the standard Blood Borne Pathogens.
Closed consultation
While the College has a Clinical Education and Student Supervision standard in place, it was last revised in 2017 and various aspects are outdated or contain unnecessary information. The College now has an opportunity to revise the standard to ensure it reflects current and relevant content.
We are seeking feedback about Phase 2 of our standards review that includes several recommendations, including the proposed rescinding of the Consultation and Transfer of Care Standard (CTCS) and the implementation of a guide on the midwifery scope of practice.
In 2017, the College made a submission to the Ministry of Health requesting that Part II of the General Regulation made under the Midwifery Act, 1991 be rescinded. As we continue to work with the Ministry on our submission, we propose to add certain pieces of information from the General Regulation to the College’s General By-law.
On May 30, 2019, the College of Midwives of Ontario (College) received a letter from the Health Minister Christine Elliott requesting that the College amend its Designated Drugs Regulation made under the Midwifery Act, 1991 to include categories of drugs and substances.
The College of Midwives of Ontario’s Council has proposed changing the Fees and Remuneration By-law to raise membership fees from $2193 to $2550 for all classes of registration other than Inactive.
Changes include increasing the standard that we hold Council members to by requiring those seeking positions on Council and Committees to meet new criteria for eligibility and undergo training; and allowing members of the public to join College Committees. We believe these changes create a stronger and more knowledgeable Council and Committees, serving the public interest.
This March, the College of Midwives of Ontario Council proposed changes to our Fees and Remuneration By-law that include a registration fee increase. If approved, this increase would bring the fees to $2150 for general class of registration and $1075 for inactive class of registration, effective for this year’s renewal.
Changes to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) made in May 2017 have necessitated changes to our College’s General By-law. While our public register is in compliance with the RHPA as mandated by Bill 87 our General by-law needs to be amended to reflect the current legislation.
The development of the new Professional Standards for Midwives (Professional Standards) is a major step forward in reforming our current standards of practice. It forms the first phase of a wider program of work to streamline our approach to regulation to promote targeted and proportionate regulation in the public interest.