Note: This article was originally posted in our December 2016 newsletter, and has not been updated. Some of the information in this article may no longer be current.
Influenza Immunization for Health Care Personnel
The Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization recom- mends annual influenza immunization for health care personnel as part of the standard of care. A national target of 80% coverage for health care personnel is deemed appropriate to help en- sure client protection. Research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal’s online open-access journal, CMAJ Open, notes participation rates at much lower overall, and specifically, rates for midwives, chiropractors and practitioners of natural healing at 4%, the lowest self-report- ed rate amongst health professional groups. Midwives care for both pregnant individuals and newborns, two groups identified as high risk for serious complications from influenza infection. Members should consider obtaining the flu vaccine from their primary care physician, nurse prac- titioner or local pharmacist in the interest of protecting clients, and themselves, from the influenza infection.
Recommendations from the Office of the Chief Coroner
The College of Midwives regularly receives recommendations from the Office of the Chief Coro- ner’s (OCC) Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee (MPDRC).
The MPDRC makes recommendations based on a careful review of all maternal deaths and a small number of neonatal deaths in Ontario. The following recommendations are adapted from MPDRC reports and support midwives in providing high quality care to women and newborns in Ontario.
- Midwives are reminded to recommend Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for safe transpor- tation to hospital when birth is potentially imminent and/or weather and distance are factors.
- Midwives are expected to know the normal parameters of newborn growth and to make ap- propriate and timely referrals when newborn growth does not fall within these parameters.
- Midwives are reminded to review the Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM) 2012 Clinical Prac- tice Guideline Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy when involved in the care of clients with a
hypertensive disorder.
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