Note: This article was originally posted in our December 2016 newsletter, and has not been updated. Some of the information in this article may no longer be current.
Quality Assurance Program (QAP)
Practice Assessment Workbook rescinded
At the October Council meeting, Council decided to rescind the Practice Assessment Workbook (PAW) and the PAW Policies and Procedures document. As a result of this decision, the College will no longer randomly select members to complete the PAW and all PAW materials have been removed from the website.
QAP reporting 2016-2017 is now open
Members are encouraged to log in to the Member Portal at any time during the reporting year (October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017) to add QAP activities as they occur.
The CMO Member Portal is compatible with most Smartphone browsers – bookmark the member portal to log in at your convenience to add QAP activities throughout the year.
For more information on the College’s QAP click here.
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