Note: This article was originally posted in our December 2017 newsletter, and has not been updated.
Our Council meetings are open to members and the public. If any of these highlights from the December Council meeting, held December 12 and 13. interest you, you can click here to read more in the meeting materials.
Public Engagement Strategy
In our 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, the College committed to public engagement as one of our strategic priorities. Council approved a Public Engagement Strategy for the College which will commence in 2018.
Non-council Public Members on Committees
Council agreed in principle to amend the by-laws to appoint individuals who are neither members of the College nor public members appointed by the government to its statutory committees. The Executive Committee will work with staff to review the College’s current by-laws and will make recommendations which will be brought to Council in March 2018 for review.
Registration Committee Report to Council
The registration renewal period is now complete. Members who did not complete the renewal process and/or who had outstanding fees, information, or certificates were sent notices of default. At the end of this period, three members were suspended for nonpayment of fees.
The Fall sitting of the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination was successfully held at the College on October 26, 2017.
Council approved the proposed Registration Streamlining Plan, and a number of registration policies will be revised or rescinded. More information on this proposal is provided in the Council materials. The
Registration Committee also has reported on changes to Registration Regulation, and new Jurisprudence requirements. Read more on pages eight and ten of the newsletter.
Inquiries, Complaints, and Reports Committee (ICRC) Report to Council
The ICRC has decided to implement a new complaints feedback survey to be sent via email to members and complainants following a decision. The ICRC also revised their Risk Assessment Tool, details of which can be found in this newsletter on page six.
Quality Assurance Committee Report to Council
For the 2016-2017 Quality Assurance Program (QAP) reporting period 96% of general and supervised registrants were issued notices of compliance and 4% of members were marked non-compliant. This is on par with the 2015- 2016 QAP reporting period, where 96% of general and supervised registrants were found to be compliant. We will continue to work on updating the QAP, as soon as the Quality Assurance regulation is approved by the government. A submission was made to the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care earlier this year.