Note: This article was originally posted in our December 2017 newsletter, and has not been updated.
Highlights from Member Education Day
Thank you to everyone who attended our November 1st Member Education Day in Toronto, both those who attended in person and through our live and interactive webcast.
We had a full day, with incredibly interesting presentations from our two speakers in the morning. I would like to take this opportunity to extend thanks to Deanna Williams and Dr. Zubin Austin, whose presentations set the stage perfectly for our afternoon discussion of the Professional Standards.
If you were not able to watch the morning presentations, we have uploaded them to our website here. I encourage all midwives to take the time to watch Deanna Williams speak about the role of regulatory colleges and Dr. Zubin Austin’s presentation on professionalism and competency. Their insights were invaluable.
In the afternoon, we had a lively discussion about the College’s proposed Professional Standards, as part of our second consultation process. I would like to thank the Professional Standards Working Group for all of their hard work on these new standards, and for leading the discussion at our Member Education Day. You can watch a video of our discussion here.
Our first consultation period on the Professional Standards was held from July 2017- September 2017, and we incorporated the feedback we received into our new draft of the Professional Standards document. Our second consultation launched in October, and is open until December 21st.
Our public interest mandate is at the heart of everything we do, and our principles-based approach to the standards is designed to benefit midwifery clients, the greater public, and the profession as a whole. For more information on our new approach to regulation and what it means in the context of the standards of practice, please read our Consultation Paper. Please share your comments about the standards and let us know what you think. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kelly Dobbin RM
Registrar & CEO
College of Midwives of Ontario