Annual Registration Renewal
Following your initial registration with the College, you must renew your registration annually. The Registration Regulation, along with the College’s By-laws, outline the requirements for midwives in Ontario to maintain their registration.
The annual membership year is from October 1 to September 30 each year, and the deadline to renew is October 1.
Active Practice Requirements
Registered midwives in Ontario in the general class must submit regular reporting that details active practice birth numbers both in and out of the hospital. This fulfills the requirement to demonstrate that registrants are actively practising and maintaining their ability and currency to practise in all birth settings.
General registrants: see your APR due date in the Active Practice Reporting tab within the Registrant Portal.
Quality Assurance Requirements
The College’s Quality Assurance activities are designed to ensure that the knowledge, skills, and judgment of Ontario midwives remain current throughout their careers. These requirements are aimed at helping midwives continue to provide safe, effective, appropriate, and ethical midwifery care to their clients.
Though mandated by provincial legislation and regulation, Quality Assurance requirements are intended to be supportive in nature, helping to promote and enhance midwives’ understanding of the practice of the profession of midwifery.
Professional Development Portfolio
Every three years, midwives develop a personalized learning plan based on professional skills or areas of knowledge they’ve chosen to focus on as part of the Quality Assurance requirements. Midwives will use the plan to guide their ongoing self-assessment, complete professional development activities, and complete case reviews in group settings.
Peer and Practice Assessments
Peer and practice assessments are a key component of the College’s Quality Assurance Program, providing a supportive way for midwives to demonstrate their professional knowledge, skills, and judgment with a peer assessor. Peer and practice assessments are grounded in the assumption that midwives are practising competently while recognizing that the changing dynamics of practice environments and best practices create the need for continued learning and development.
Continuing Competencies
Neonatal Resuscitation Program, CPR, and Emergency Skills Requirements
Registered practising midwives are required to maintain current training in neonatal resuscitation (NRP), emergency skills (ES) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in accordance with the conditions outlined in the Registration Regulation.
- NRP – annually (valid for 12 months from date of training)
- ES – bi-annually (valid for 24 months from date of training)
- CPR – bi-annually (valid for 24 months from date of training)
Satisfactory evidence of continuing competency and completed training in these areas will be verified each year during the renewal period.
View the College’s Continuing Competency Requirements and Approved Courses.
Help us inspire trust and confidence in midwifery by becoming an Expert or Assessor
The College is recruiting registered midwives to join our roster of consultants as Assessors or Experts. Applications for both positions are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Classes of Registration
Midwives can be registered in one of several different classes of registration: General, supervised practice, transitional, and inactive. Registrants of the College can apply to change class or resign their registration.
The majority of midwives are registrants of the general class. Within this class, midwives practise with no restrictions on their registration unless they have new registrant conditions or otherwise specified terms, conditions or limitations that are noted on the public register.
Supervised Practice
An applicant may be registered with a supervised practice certificate of registration in limited circumstances. This class is designated for applicants who do not meet the clinical experience requirements of the general class and require a period of supervision before registration in the general class can be granted.
Registrants in the supervised practice class can only practise midwifery under the supervision of an approved supervisor and in accordance with an approved supervision plan. A supervised practice certificate is granted for a maximum of one year. However, in some circumstances, the Registration Committee can approve the re-issuance of a supervised practice certificate after the one-year period.
Arranging for an Approved Supervisor
If you’re in the supervised class, you need to find a midwife who meets the criteria to act as a supervisor. You’ll need to have them fill out an agreement to act as your supervisor and sign a conflict of interest declaration. Both of these forms are on the Forms for Midwives page.
Applicants who meet all of the entry-to-practice requirements and who have written the national midwifery qualifying examination, but have not received the results of the examination, are eligible for a transitional certificate of registration. This certificate allows these registrants to practise midwifery while under the supervision of a member who holds a general certificate of registration.
Transitional certificates are valid for up to 90 days and will be revoked when the registrant is notified that they have passed the examination and are issued a general or supervised certificate, or when they are notified that they have failed the exam.
Arranging for an Approved Supervisor
If you’re in the transitional class, you need to sign an undertaking with the College and find a midwife who meets the criteria to act as a supervisor. You’ll need to have them fill out an agreement to act as your supervisor. Both of these forms are on the Forms for Midwives page.
Transitional Certificate of Registration Requirements and Information
Registrants who hold a general certificate can choose to become inactive with the College and pay a reduced fee by applying for an inactive certificate of registration. Inactive certificate holders continue to be registrants of the College and must renew their certificates of registration each year by October 1.
Registered midwives in the inactive class may use the protected title “midwife” or a variation, but it is a condition of an inactive certificate of registration that the member must not practise midwifery in Ontario. To understand what this means, members should review the Inactive Class Information before changing classes.
Inactive registrants need to apply to rejoin the general class and must provide any and all requirements, including fees, professional liability insurance, current proofs of NRP, CPR, ES, and the successful completion of the College’s Jurisprudence Course, if not previously completed.
Applications for a general certificate will be reviewed to ensure current clinical experience in accordance with the Registration Regulation and the College policies.
A review by a panel of the Registration Committee may be required to determine a requalification program if the current clinical experience requirements for a general certificate are not met at the time of application.
Emergency Class
Applicants can only be registered under the emergency class certificate if the Minister of Health or the College’s Board have determined that there are emergency circumstances, and it is in the public interest for the College to issue emergency certificates. See our Emergency Class Policy for more information.
In those rare circumstances, the applicant must have successfully completed a midwifery program or be registered or licensed to practise independently in a jurisdiction approved by Board or the Registration Committee. The applicant must have practised midwifery in the last four years from the time of the certificate issuance, complete the jurisdiction course, demonstrate language proficiency in either English or French, and provide proof of professional liability insurance.
Registrants in the emergency class can only practise midwifery under the supervision of an approved supervisor and in accordance with an approved supervision plan. They must also identify as a member of the emergency class at all times.
An emergency class certificate will be revoked in the event of one of the following: ninety days after the Board has declared that the emergency circumstances has ended, at the registrar’s determination, or one year after it is issued, unless extended.
Change of Registration Class
Current registrants who hold a general certificate of registration may apply to the College to change their class of registration for periods they will not be practising midwifery in Ontario. Inactive midwives wishing to resume the practice of midwifery in Ontario may also apply to the College to change their class of registration.
Applications for class changes may be submitted at any time during the registration year. However, processing times vary depending on the type of class change, and if the application is received during the high-volume Registration Renewal period.
Types of Class Changes
There are two types of class changes:
General class (eligible to practise) to inactive class (not practising)
Midwives in the general class who want to change to the inactive class of registration must submit their Change of Class application form to the College. Exception: Class changes to inactive with an effective date between August 1 to November 1 may be submitted to the College within the renewal portal between August 1 to October 1 with the submission of a renewal form before the effective date of the class change. Renewal invoices will be reduced accordingly.
For more information about the inactive class and not practising midwifery, please review the Inactive Class Information document.
Inactive class (not practising) to general class (eligible to practise)
Midwives in the inactive class who want to return to the general class of registration must submit an application form to the College a minimum of eight weeks before the requested date of the change. Please note that all class change applications from the inactive class to the general class received on or after August 1, 2024, will be subject to a $100 fee.
The requirements to transition from inactive to general are included with the Change of Class forms. Midwives who cannot demonstrate the required current clinical experience and active practice may be referred to the Registration Committee for review.
In accordance with the Registration Regulation, all applicants for reissuance of a general certificate of registration must have current clinical experience consisting of active practice for at least two years out of the four years immediately before the date of application. Registrants who do not have the current clinical experience are required to complete a requalification program before being able to move to the general class.
A registrant must have practised midwifery for at least two years in the preceding four years immediately before the date of application for reissuance of a General certificate of registration, and have the following birth numbers:
- 40 births consisting of
- 20 primary births including
- 10 primary out-of-hospital birth
- 10 primary hospital births
- 20 primary births including
In addition, a registrant must have, at the time of entry into the profession or over the course of the registrant’s time practising the profession, completed the following:
- Have attended at least 60 births, of which at least
- 40 were attended as primary midwife
- 30 were attended as part of the care provided to a woman in accordance with the principles of continuity of care
- 10 were attended in hospital, of which at least five were attended as primary midwife, and
- 10 were attended in a residence or remote clinic or remote birth centre, of which at least five were attended as primary midwife.
For more information on how the College reviews current clinical experience and active practice shortfalls within the context of a class change from inactive to general, review the College’s Requalification Program Approval and Registrar Authorization Policy.
What happens if my application is referred to the Registration Committee?
The Registration Committee Panel review process enables registrants who don’t meet the clinical experience and active practice requirements, nor the low-risk criteria outlined in the Requalification Program Approval and Registrar Authorization Policy a way to complete an approved requalification program.
The program will be determined based on consideration of the individual application, birth shortfall and other criteria outlined in the College’s Registration Panel Risk Assessment Tool for Determining Requalification Programs. This ensures any registrant moving from inactive to general has the current knowledge and skill to practise midwifery safely and effectively as a primary care provider.
When processing your inactive to general class change application, if it is determined that a review by a Panel of the Registration Committee is required, you will be advised in writing and provided an opportunity to make further written submissions for consideration by a Panel of the Registration Committee.
Registrants should account for the possibility of needing to complete a requalification program prior to being reissued a general certificate. The time required for this may be more than the processing time when there is a Panel referral.
Learn more about the Registration Committee Panel Review Process.
Processing Timelines for Class Change Applications
General to Inactive:
- Three to ten business days maximum.
- Class changes to Inactive with an effective date of August 1 up to November 1 may be submitted to the College within the renewal portal between August up to October 1 with the submission of a renewal form before the effective date of the class change.
Inactive to General:
- Eight weeks minimum. May require additional time during the Registration Renewal period between August to October.
- Applications requiring a panel review may require more than eight weeks for processing depending on the complexity of the application and/or the date of the next scheduled panel meeting.
- Applications that are incomplete or are missing required documentation will result in processing delays.
An email acknowledging receipt of your application will be sent to you within three business days.
If you require any further information regarding class changes, please contact the Registration Department at or 416-640-2252.
Learn more and submit your Class Change Application.
Resigning your Registration
Midwives can resign their registration in the Registrant Portal. To resign your registration, first make sure to update your contact information on file with the College. Then use the resignation tab in the Registrant Portal. Resignation applications are completed online but are processed and verified by College staff who will confirm your resignation by email.
Between August 1 and October 1, resignation requests may be submitted through the renewal application. If you have decided you no longer wish to continue as a Registered Midwife for the new registration year beginning October 1, please enter the Registrant Portal and submit your resignation request with an effective date of no later than October 1. This will ensure you do not incur any registration renewal fees and penalty fees for the new registration year. Once a request is received, the College will confirm the resignation in writing once processed. Resignations cannot be backdated.
Registration renewal fees and penalty fees will apply for resignations received after October 1 without a paid and submitted renewal form.
Resigned midwives are not able to practise midwifery and cannot use the title “midwife.” If you are only planning to take a break from practising midwifery, consider applying to the inactive class of registration with the College. The College has prepared a fact sheet on the difference between resigning and joining the inactive class. If you have any questions about resignation or the inactive class, please contact the College at
Registration Committee Panels
When a matter is referred to the Registration Committee, the Chair of the Committee selects a panel from the members of the Committee to consider it. A panel must consist of at least three Registration Committee members, at least one of whom must be a member of the public. Three Committee members are required for quorum.
Registration Committee Panel Referrals
There are several reasons that a registrant or applicant may find themselves at a Registration Committee Panel, and some are detailed below.
Registration Panel Meeting Schedule and Submission Deadlines
Applicants are required to submit their applications to the panel two weeks prior to the panel meeting date. Meeting materials are distributed to the panel one week before the scheduled meeting date. Written decisions are issued by the panel 30 days after the meeting concludes.
February 20, 2025
March 20, 2025
April 17, 2025
May 15, 2025
June 29, 2025
July 17, 2025
August 21, 2025
September 18, 2025
October 16, 2025
November 20, 2025
December 11, 2025
Determine Requalification Program
A panel of the Registration Committee may be required to determine a requalification program if the current clinical experience requirements of the Registration Regulation are not met. Requalification programs are required when former registrants who apply for re-registration meet the requirements of s.8(5) of the Registration Regulation and for some class change applications from inactive to general.
Registration Committee Panel Review Process
- The registrant will be sent a letter of referral outlining the grounds or reasons for the referral.
- The registrant will be asked to make written submissions for the panel’s consideration within 30 days of the date of the referral letter.
- The panel will meet (according to the posted schedule) and review all referrals.
- The panel will consider all written submissions and will approve a requalification program using a risk assessment tool.
- Following the meeting, a written decision and reasons will be drafted.
- Once finalized, the written decision and reasons will be issued to the registrant.
- The registrant must successfully complete the approved requalification program prior to being issued a general certificate of registration. Written proof of completion is required. In some cases, a registrant may be required to complete a period of supervised practice as part of a requalification program, and in this case, the registrant will be issued a supervised practice certificate of registration.
Active Practice Requirement Shortfall
Registrants who continue to have an Active Practice Requirement (APR) shortfall are referred to the Registration Committee.
Referred registrants will be asked to make written submissions to the Registration Committee within 30 days of receiving a notice of referral, including the following:
- Reason for the shortfall and explanation of how they have been maintaining their knowledge and skills to practise safely in all birth settings
- Where applicable, the midwife must demonstrate that extenuating circumstances exist (i.e. circumstances that are beyond the registrant’s control) that prevented them from meeting their APR. For example:
- Low home birth rate practice
- Unplanned changes to birth location
- Planned home births becoming transfers of care
- Where applicable, an explanation of how the midwife’s practice environment/employment contributed to the shortfall and may continue to contribute to a shortfall. For example:
- Hospitalist midwife
- Expanded Midwifery Care Models and not providing intrapartum care
- Birth Centre Clinical Director
- MEP instructor
- Other
A panel of the Registration Committee is appointed to review the APR shortfall referrals. A chair is appointed, and conflicts are vetted. A panel meets to decide using the risk assessment tool for active practice shortfalls. The panel considers all submissions and information, exercising their discretion to determine one of the following outcomes:
- Exception granted (in extenuating circumstances)
- Shortfall plan required
- Term, condition or limitation may be imposed if:
- Registrant does not attend births as a primary care provider
- Registrant only attends births in hospitals and other institutional settings
- Registrant has to be a general registrant as part of their employment requirements (e.g. Birth Centre Clinical Director)
The outcome of the APR referral is communicated to the midwife in a written decision with reasons, including the next APR due date.
Fee Information
Registration Class | Full Fee | Payment Instalments |
General, supervised practice, or transitional | $2,756 | $1,403 dated October 1, 2024 $1,353 dated February 1, 2025 |
Inactive on October 1 | $1,237 | $643.50 dated October 1, 2024 $593.50 dated February 1, 2025 |
Class change to inactive between October 2 – November 1, 2024 | $1,364 | $707 dated October 1, 2024 $657 dated February 1, 2025 |
All registrants are required to pay the annual fees by the registration renewal deadline of October 1 each year. Fees can be paid online through the registrant portal or by cheque, made out to the College of Midwives of Ontario.
Suspensions for Non-payment of Fees
Members who do not pay their annual fees risk penalty fees and suspension for non-payment of fees. If a member is suspended for non-payment of fees, a permanent record of the suspension will be noted on the Public Register. Even when fees are paid in full, the suspension remains part of the Public Register record and will not be removed.
Tax Receipts
Tax receipts for registration fees paid in the tax year (January 1 to December 31) will be issued in February.