Renewal Guide
- Skip to Step 1 & 2: Getting Started and Renewal Route
- Skip to Step 3. Home Address and Contact Information
- Skip to Step 4. Practice Location(s) & Information
- Skip to Step 5. Other Registrations
- Skip to Step 5.2 Hospital & Birth Centre Privileges
- Skip to Step 6. Continuing Competency
- Skip to Step 7. Ministry of Health
- Skip to Step 8. Disclosures
- Skip to Step 9. Authorization
- Skip to Step 9.5. Declaration: Blood Borne Viruses Standard
- Skip to Step 9.6. Designated Drugs and Substances Regulation Requirements
- Skip to Step 10. Payment
- Skip to Renewal Confirmation
2024 Renewal Guide
This in-depth renewal guide is intended for midwives who are new to the College’s renewal requirements or would like more detailed information.
Midwives are required to renew their certificates of registration with the College annually, which includes inactive/non-practising midwives. The renewal deadline is October 1, 2024.
Please ensure that your renewal is complete and received by the College by October 1. Incomplete or late renewals will be subject to a penalty of an additional 15% of the annual registration fee and a notice of default will be issued.
For 2024, online renewals will be deemed complete if, by October 1:
- A midwife has completed and submitted the online renewal application and has met the continuing competency requirements, where applicable.
- The midwife has submitted their annual fee payment.
Review the steps below to get started!
Step 1 & 2: Getting Started and Renewal Route
The online renewal application is available during the renewal period in our Registrant Portal starting in August. You will need your email address and password to access the Registrant Portal.
The online renewal application will automatically recognize your current class of registration as noted on the Public Register.
You will be asked to select your registration renewal route based on the certificate of registration that you hold or apply to hold: general, supervised practice, transitional, inactive, or resignation.
Class Changes to Inactive/Non-practising
If you intend to change your registration class to inactive/non-practising between August 1 and November 1, please review the class change information here. Class changes requested within the renewal module with effective dates between August 1 and November 1 will automatically apply reduced registration renewal fees, however, class change effective dates cannot be retroactive and the renewal form must be submitted to the College for the fee reduction.
Resignation Requests
Resignation requests can be submitted through the Registrant Portal or through the renewal application up to October 1.
If you have decided you no longer wish to continue as a registered midwife for the new registration year beginning October 1, please enter the Registrant Portal and submit your resignation request with an effective date of no later than October 1. This will ensure you do not incur any registration renewal fees or penalty fees for the new registration year. Once a request is received, the College will process the resignation, then confirm in writing. Resignations cannot be backdated.
Registration renewal fees and penalty fees will apply for resignations received after October 1 without a paid and submitted renewal form.
To assist you in making the decision to resign or renew your registration with the College, please review the Inactive and Resignation Fact Sheet
Step 3. Home Address and Contact Information
Ensure that the College has your current home address and contact information. The College uses your personal contact information—not your practice contact information—to contact you for all College business. All midwives must provide a valid email address*, per the College’s General By-law 14.05(e).
Your personal contact information is not published on the Public Register.
*If you change your email address in this section, your newly entered email address will be your user login for the Registrant Portal.
Step 4. Practice Location(s) & Information
Midwives are required to provide all practice location(s), dates where they currently provide and have previously provided midwifery services within Ontario, and the position held at each practice location. This includes all other places they practise midwifery if not in a midwifery practice group.
This information is published on the Public Register.
Look for any duplicates to be deleted from your profile. Are there any practice locations to be added? Are all the practice locations where you have practised since joining the College entered? Are there any discrepancies between when you started at a practice location compared to when you became eligible to practise with the College?
Updating or Correcting Practice Information?
To add a new practice you work with, select +Add Practice button in the top left-hand corner, select your current practice from the drop-down menu, add a start date, and answer the questions presented.
To add a past practice location not listed in your profile, select +Add Practice button in the top left-hand corner, select the practice from the drop-down menu, add a start date, answer the questions presented, including your position at the practice, and add an end date. To edit, select the Edit button. Note: Adding an end date will move the practice location entry to the Past Practice(s) tab.
To edit/update information for an existing practice listed in your profile either in the Current Practice(s) tab or in the Past Practice(s) tab, click the Edit button and update the information. Note: Adding an end date will move the practice location entry to the Past Practice(s) tab unless the end date is a future date.
If there is any information you cannot correct directly, send an email to with the required correction. The correction will be made by College staff and afterwards you will receive an email confirming the change.
Not affiliated with a midwifery practice group?
If you are currently practising midwifery outside a midwifery practice group, please provide the College with information on where you are practising, including the address, phone number, your position title, and start date, if not currently listed on your College profile. To add new information, please email the information to and the information will be added to your profile.
Step 5. Other Registrations
All midwives are required to provide information about current or past registrations or licences held in any profession in any jurisdiction. This information is published on the Public Register. Midwives are asked to provide the following information where applicable:
- Name of the regulator/licensing body
- Profession
- Province/State/Territory (Canada/US)
- Country
- Start and end date
Add a new registration by clicking the +Add Registration button. To edit the existing information, click Edit.
Not registered or licensed to practise midwifery in another jurisdiction or any other profession in any jurisdiction? Click the Next button in the lower right-hand corner to continue.
Step 5.2 Hospital & Birth Centre Privileges
This step is hidden from inactive class registrants.
All midwives must provide the College with the names of all Ontario hospitals and birth centres where they hold privileges. Any current and past hospital/birth centre privileging information on file with the College will be visible in this section.
Please review the list in this section and make any necessary changes. Choose +Add New to add to the list or Edit to add an end date or update information. Where an end date is entered, the hospital/birth centre privilege will appear under Past Privileges, unless the end date is a future date. Please also indicate whether you are the head midwife at each hospital where you have privileges.
If your hospital/birth centre is not in the drop-down menu, please contact the College at for an adjustment to the drop-down menu.
If there is any information you cannot correct directly, send an email to with the required correction. The correction will be made by College staff and afterwards you will receive an email confirming the change.
Step 6. Continuing Competency
Practising midwives will be asked to complete one of the following declarations within the renewal form:
I hereby declare that I have completed the continuing competency requirements for NRP, CPR and ES for 2024, as outlined here.
I understand that I should retain certificates of completion for NRP, CPR and ES should the College request this information at a later date.
Note: Registrants are not required to upload certificates of completion to the Continuing Competencies tab on the left menu of the Registrant Portal unless requested by the College.
I hereby declare that as of October 1, I will not have completed the continuing competency requirements of one or all of NRP, CPR and ES for 2024, as outlined here.
Please indicate outstanding training and reason/s:
Note: Registrants who have not met the continuing competency requirements by October 1 will receive a notice of incomplete renewal from the College, will be charged the 15% penalty fee, and will be given 30 days to provide current certification documentation to the College from the date of the notice.
Step 7. Ministry of Health
HealthForceOntario Health Professions Database (HPDB)
The next sections relate to HPDB requirements. Accurate completion of this section helps the College fulfill its role as a source of information concerning the Ontario midwifery profession. The College is required to report this information directly to the government in accordance with section 36.1 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. Most of the questions have drop-down menus from which you must select an answer.
The College of Midwives of Ontario is required to report up-to-date gender data from all registrants to the Ministry of Health.
Allowable Ministry gender values are:
- F for Female
- M for Male
- X for Unspecified
Please enter your gender from the drop-down menu to update.
Any languages previously provided will be visible in this section. Please review the list of languages, Edit, Delete, or +Add New to indicate languages in which you can competently provide midwifery services. The comprehensive list of languages provided in the drop-down menu are those approved by the HPDB. A maximum of five languages from the drop-down menu provided may be selected. Either French and/or English must be selected to continue to the next page.
Enter education details related to your professional qualifications as a midwife as well as any additional post-secondary education you have completed, which does not already appear in this section. Please select +Add New for each education detail to be added separately.
After clicking +Add New you will see three tick boxes:
The education that I am now reporting on was granted in:
United States
Outside of Canada & the United States
Each tick box will take you to a different screen; Canada will include an institution and province drop-down menus with Canada for Country pre-populated; United States will preselect “Out of Country” for institution and show a drop-down menu for state with USA for country pre-populated and; outside of Canada & the United States preselects “Out of Country” for institution, will show N/A for province/state and show options for all countries.
IMPP graduates will be listed as Toronto Metropolitan University for institution name and Diploma for education level. Michener graduates are listed with Michener for institution name and Diploma for education level. PLA and PLEA graduates are listed with PLA or PLEA for institution name and Diploma for education level. Orientation and Assessment Pilot Program graduates will be listed as College of Midwives of Ontario for institution name and Diploma for education level.
Education required for entry-to-practice in Ontario cannot be edited. If there is a concern or missing data, please contact the College by email at
Please edit your current practice location(s) to provide any missing or updated information. Select the Edit button (pencil symbol) on each practice listed to complete or update the required practice information. The information listed will show your current places of practice, as provided in Step 4 of the renewal form.
Section 4
Please review and complete this section to reflect your initial year and location of your first midwifery practice and to indicate your current practice status.
Section 4.1
Please complete this section to reflect your most recent previous location of practice outside of Ontario and the last year you practised in that location outside of Ontario. If Canada or the USA, please indicate province or state. If this does not apply to you, please proceed to the next section.
Section 5: First Page / Screen
All midwives are required to complete the first question to indicate their preferred work status, based on the options provided by HPDB in the drop-down menu.
The remainder of this section (not visible to inactive midwives) relates to the amount of time you have spent practising midwifery within the past 12 months (weeks and average hours). Please review all the bullet points before answering the questions in this section. Excerpt from the renewal form follows below:
- One practise day in any week = one week of practise
- One week or greater of vacation, off-call and/or sick and leave time = not practising
- Include all practise hours (e.g., travel time, and on-call hours when midwifery care was provided)
- The Ministry database does not accept entries that exceed 168 hours
- If not applicable, enter 0
Provide the number of weeks you spent practising in the past 12 months.
Provide the average number of hours spent practising per week in the past 12 months.
Provide the average number of weekly on-call hours in the past 12 months.
Section 5: Second Page/Screen (Not visible for Inactive Midwives)
This section relates to your allocation of time to different activities. You are asked to break your workweek down into percentages. If the question does not apply to you, enter ‘0’ (zero) to reflect ‘Not Applicable’. All questions that ask for a percentage value must add up to 100%. If you did not practise, enter ‘100’ to indicate time spent on all other activities (last question on the list) and enter ‘0’ (zero) for the preceding percentage questions. Questions from the renewal form are as follows:
- Percentage of time spent on direct midwifery care (e.g., client care, conducting tests, health promotion, etc.). This excludes clinical education hours where you provided midwifery care to clients while teaching a student.
- Percentage of time spent on clinical education where you provided midwifery care to clients while teaching a student.
- Percentage of time spent on teaching in a classroom setting – time spent teaching to prepare midwifery students. This excludes clinical education where you provided midwifery care to clients while teaching a student.
- Percentage of time spent on research.
- Percentage of time spent on non-clinical administration.
- Percentage of time spent on all other activities – Time spent per week on activities excluding providing midwifery care to clients, teaching, research, and administration.
Step 8. Disclosures
Please answer the disclosure questions based on an event(s) occurring or having occurred in Ontario, or any other jurisdiction, if not previously disclosed to the College. If you have previously made a disclosure but new information is available, please provide the information.
The disclosure questions are to be answered “Yes” or “No.” Any question answered with a “Yes,” must include details in the space provided. Please answer each of the disclosure questions carefully.
Questions about this section may be directed by email to
Step 9. Authorization
Certify that you have current professional liability insurance as required or will hold an Inactive class of registration. All general, supervised practice, and transitional certificate holders must always maintain professional liability insurance as a condition of registration. Inactive midwives are not required to maintain professional liability insurance.
Certify that all information provided is true, complete, and accurate to proceed to the next section.
Step 9.5. Declaration: Blood Borne Viruses standard
The Blood Borne Viruses standard is designed to protect the public from a preventable infection with a blood borne virus that may be transmitted from a midwife during care. In this section, midwives will be asked to declare their compliance or noncompliance with the College’s Blood Borne Viruses standard by completing the following declaration:
I have read and understand the College’s Blood Borne Viruses standard including:
- the testing requirements for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C for midwives who perform exposure prone procedures; and
- the requirement for seropositive midwives to be in the care of a primary care provider with expertise in the management of blood borne viruses.
I declare that I am following this standard:
A declaration of noncompliance will not impact a registrant’s ability to renew but the College may contact the registrant to obtain additional information to determine whether any regulatory action is required to address the failure to maintain this standard of the profession.
What do midwives need to do to be in compliance?
To be in compliance:
- A midwife must have been tested for HIV and HCV in the last three years (i.e., on or since October 1, 2021 for the 2024 renewal).
- A midwife must have been tested for HBV in the past year (i.e., on or since October 1, 2023 for the 2024 renewal) unless they have proven immunity to HBV. Those with proven immunity do not require testing.
You can review the standard here.
Questions about this standard may be directed by email to
Step 9.6 Designated Drugs and Substances Regulation Requirements
This Declaration of Compliance is submitted in accordance with the Registrar’s Policy on Controlled Drugs and Substances Education and Training or Course Requirement (effective March 1, 2024) and the Designated Drugs and Substances Regulation for practising midwives to report to the College that they are in compliance with the requirements set out in the policy and the regulation.
I have read and understood the requirements that must be met in order to safely and competently prescribe (for the purposes of being administered in a public hospital) and administer by injection the controlled drugs and substances set out in Schedule 4 of the Designated Drugs and Substances Regulation.
I declare that I am in compliance:
Resources for this requirement are available here.
Questions about this requirement may be directed by email to
Step 10. Payment
2024 Renewal Fees
Registration Class | Total Renewal Fee | Cheque Instalment 1 Dated: Oct. 1, 2024 | Cheque Instalment 2 Dated: Feb. 1, 2025 |
General, Supervised, Transitional | $2756 | $1403 | $1353 |
Inactive on October 1, 2024 | $1237 | $643.50 | $593.50 |
Inactive class change between October 2, 2024 to November 1, 2024 | $1364 | $707 | $657 |
Select your method of payment. College fees can only be paid by:
- Visa or MasterCard through the Registrant Portal (full annual fee)
- Money Order/Cheque (full annual fee) or two instalments, as noted in the table above)
If payment by Visa or MasterCard is selected, the renewal system will guide you through the secure online payment process and will then automatically submit your registration renewal form to the College. Please note instalment payments by credit card are not possible. To pay in instalments, select the cheque payment option instead.
If payment by cheque is selected, please review the information on the screen before clicking the submit button, which will submit your renewal form to the College. Payment by instalment applies to cheque/money order payments only.
To be accepted by the College, cheque/money order payments must be:
- Payable to the “College of Midwives of Ontario”
- Signed and dated accordingly with the midwife’s name and College registration number clearly visible on the face of the cheque
- Not understated, not overstated, and the dollar amount on the cheque matches the written text
- Received after the submission of a renewal form, but not later than October 1
- One cheque per midwife for full payment or two cheques for instalments
For payments by instalment:
- Instalment amounts on cheques are exactly as indicated on the chart above
- Both instalment cheques/money orders are received no later than October 1
- Second instalment cheque is dated February 1, 2025
- Each cheque , including second instalment cheques, not honoured by the bank is subject to a $40 NSF processing fee, in addition to the penalty fee as the renewal application may be deemed late
Payment Plan
In extenuating circumstances, a midwife may request a payment plan from the College for registration renewal fees due on October 1, 2024. The deadline to submit a request for a payment plan to the College is September 1, 2024.
Extenuating circumstances are defined as conditions beyond one’s control that justify a payment plan beyond what is already offered with respect to payment in two instalments. A midwife applying for a payment plan will need to show that the circumstances of the application are sufficiently exceptional to justify a departure from the annual renewal requirements. It is for the applicant to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist.
To access the Payment Plan Request form, click here.
Note: Your registration renewal application will not be processed until payment has been received and processed. If you are paying by money order/cheque, please ensure that your payment is received well before October 1 to ensure your renewal is not deemed late..
Renewal Confirmation
IMPORTANT: Only once you have reached the page labelled “Submitted” have you successfully submitted your online renewal application to the College. Midwives are encouraged to save this individualized page for their records.
Annual Registration Card
An updated annual registration card will be available through the Registrant Portal as soon as the College reviews and deems an application for registration renewal as complete. Notification will be sent to you by email when your renewal is marked complete.
If you require early access to your annual registration card, please submit your complete renewal to the College as early as possible.
Receipt for Payment
A receipt for payment is available through the left-hand menu in the Registrant Portal. Official Income Tax Receipts will be available in the Registrant Portal in early 2025.
2024 Registration Renewal FAQ
Do you have questions about the 2024 renewal process, active practice requirements, class changes, or resignation?
See the helpful links below. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to our registration team at
Class Change
To change your registration class, please refer to our information on changing registration class or resigning.
Questions About Class Change
Any questions regarding renewal may be directed by email to or by phone to 416.640.2252 (Toll-free: 1 844.640.2252).
Please note the volume of emails and calls to the College during the renewal period is high, so if you send an email or leave a message, expect up to two business days for a response. If you do not receive a response within two business days, please contact the College again.
Remember, when contacting the College by phone, please clearly state your name, registration number, phone number, and reason for the call.
Default and Suspension Notice
If after October 1, you still have not submitted a complete renewal to the College, you will receive a written notice from the Registrar of the College. Notice will be given in accordance with the Health Professions Procedural Code, Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), and the College’s By-laws. The notice will specify all outstanding items, including fees, penalty fees, renewal application, and continuing competency requirements, where applicable. The notice allows 30 days for midwives to rectify any outstanding issues.
Failure to pay outstanding fees by the required date outlined in a written notice from the College will result in the suspension of registration for non-payment of fees and midwives will no longer be permitted to use the title midwife or a variation, and are not permitted to practise the profession in Ontario. Failing to comply with requirements set out in the Registration Regulation, such as failing to provide satisfactory evidence of continuing competency in NRP, CPR, and ES, where applicable, may be considered an act of professional misconduct.
Inactive Midwives
To remain a current registrant of the College, a midwife who holds an Inactive certificate must renew their registration with the College and pay fees annually.
To assist you in making the decision whether to renew or to resign your registration with the College, please review the Inactive and Resignation Fact Sheet.
Registration Class | Total Renewal Fee | Cheque Instalment 1 Dated: Oct. 1, 2024 |
Cheque Instalment 2 Dated: Feb. 1, 2025 |
General, Supervised, Transitional | $2756 | $1403 | $1353 |
Inactive on October 1, 2024 | $1237 | $643.50 | $593.50 |
Inactive class change between October 2, 2024 to November 1, 2024 | $1364 | $707 | $657 |
The College accepts payment by Visa, MasterCard, money order or cheque for full fees. Payment by instalment is by cheque/money order only, and both instalments, in the amounts and dates above, must be received by the College no later than October 1, 2024. If you require a payment plan, please see the section below entitled Payment Plan for details.
If you are paying by cheque/money order, please note that the College is currently operating a hybrid office, and cannot receive mail or courier deliveries that require a signature on arrival. Please send money order/cheque payments to:
College of Midwives of Ontario
21 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 303
Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1L9
To renew your registration today, log in to the Registrant Portal and follow the prompts.
In extenuating circumstances, a midwife may request a payment plan from the College for registration renewal fees due on October 1, 2024. The deadline to submit a request for a payment plan to the College is September 1, 2024.
Extenuating circumstances are defined as conditions beyond one’s control that justify a payment plan beyond what is already offered with respect to payment in two instalments. A midwife applying for a payment plan will need to show that the circumstances of the application are sufficiently exceptional to justify a departure from the annual renewal requirements. It is for the applicant to demonstrate that exceptional circumstances exist.
To access the Payment Plan Request form, click here.
The College does not accept eTransfers, online bank payments or VISA Debit. Fees may be paid by VISA, MasterCard, or by money order/cheque. If paying by money order or cheque, please allow ample time for the College to receive your payment before the October 1 due date.
To confirm your renewal invoice has been paid, simply log in to the Registrant Portal and check the Invoices & Receipts tab.
If your invoice is showing it hasn’t been paid, yet you entered your credit card details in the payment section of the renewal application and have submitted the renewal application, please check the Invoices & Receipts tab the next business day following the date you entered your credit card details. This will allow time for payment information to update in our system.
Should you still not see your payment, please send an email to with the last four digits of your credit card, and College staff will investigate.
Alternatively, you may call VISA or MasterCard to confirm whether your payment has been processed.
Due to renewal volume, College staff cannot immediately confirm receipt of any money order/cheque sent to the College. For this reason, it is recommended that payments are sent early to the College by courier with no signature required, allowing a midwife to track and confirm delivery. The College can receive money order/cheque payments by mail or by courier where a delivery signature is not required.
Allow sufficient time for both delivery of your money order/cheque and for College processing before checking the Invoices & Receipts tab in the Registrant Portal. If both your payment and renewal application have been submitted, you will see a paid renewal invoice in the Registrant Portal. Your payment can only be entered by College staff if a renewal application has been submitted.
Staff enter money order/cheque payments as quickly as possible, however, due to volume during renewal, it may be several days after receipt of a payment before it is reflected in the Registrant Portal.
If you have submitted your renewal application but have not sent your cheque to the College, you can access the Invoices & Receipts tab in the Registrant Portal to pay your outstanding invoice by credit card. If you did mail a cheque to the College, please send an email to for further instructions.
Penalty Fee
The 15% penalty fee is applied if, after October 1, any one of the following situations applies:
- unsubmitted or incomplete renewal form
- continuing competencies (NRP, CPR, ES) are not current as of October 1, 2024
- no payment, incorrect payment, or late payment
The 15% penalty fee is applied to each occurrence of the following:
- unhonoured cheque
In addition, a charge of $40 will be levied for each cheque not honoured by the bank.
Active Practice Requirement (APR)
If you need to make a correction to an APR report on file with the College, send an email to and request that the report in question be deleted from your profile. Once the report is deleted, you may resubmit a new report.
If you only need a minor change made to your APR report on file with the College, please send an email to with the changes clearly explained.
A midwife is not required to use a report from BORN and can use their own records to submit active practice birth numbers to the College.
A registrant’s individual APR due date will be visible in the APR module button/tab of the Registrant Portal. Not every registrant of the College is required to submit a declaration and/or active practice report to the College by October 1, 2024. Only those registrants holding general class registration and who have an APR due date in 2024 are required to make a submission.
Inactive certificate holders are not required to submit an APR declaration and/or report. APR due dates for inactive registrants will be adjusted to account for time away from practice once general registration is resumed.
Supervised practice certificate holders will only see an APR due date once they are issued a general certificate of registration. Supervised practice registrants are not required to submit an APR declaration and/or report to the College.
In 2022, the College transitioned to a one-report submission for those registrants with an APR shortfall in the number of births required. This means, only registrants with an APR shortfall submit a report that covers either a two-year or a five-year period. Reporting periods always start on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
If a registrant holding general registration is due to meet the active practice requirements and has the required births to meet the active practice requirements, only a declaration needs to be completed. A birth number report is not required in this case.
If a general registrant who is due to meet the active practice requirements has a shortfall at the end of the reporting period, the College will initiate a referral where required.
This means a registrant will be notified of a referral to a panel of the Registration Committee, for the panel to consider the shortfall and determine the next steps. A registrant who is referred will be given an opportunity to provide a written explanation for the shortfall to the panel.
To review when a referral must occur and/or the possible panel outcomes, please see here. A shortfall will not impact registration renewal.
If you are due to report APR, but fail to report when required, a notice with a $50 administrative fee will be sent to you. Each subsequent reminder will incur an additional $50 administrative fee. Failure to report will not stop a panel referral.
If you are not due to report APR, nothing is required from you until you are due to meet the active practice requirements. Check your APR due date in the Active Practice Reporting module button (or tab) in the Registrant Portal.
As a reminder, inactive registrants are not required to meet APR requirements. APR due dates for inactive registrants will be adjusted/added once general registration is resumed. Supervised practice registrants are not required to meet APR requirements until two years after they have been issued general registration.
Registration Documents
As soon as your renewal is processed and deemed “Complete” by College staff, you will have access to an updated wallet card through the Registrant Portal. The College will advise you by email once your renewal has been deemed “Complete.” If you need your updated wallet card as soon as possible, please submit your complete registration renewal to the College as early as possible.
As soon as your renewal is processed and deemed “Complete” by College staff, you will have access to an updated wallet card through the Registrant Portal, which can be used to confirm your current registration with the College. The College will advise you by email once your renewal has been deemed “Complete.”
Renewal Form Submission
Log in to the Registrant Portal. If the Renewal module button on the welcome page is not outlined in yellow and if the button does include the word “Submitted”, this is confirmation you have submitted your 2024 renewal form. See the Invoices & Receipts tab for confirmation of payment for 2024.
The College will be processing over 1,100 renewals during the renewal period, not including class changes during the same time.
By submitting your renewal in August, if there is an issue with your renewal, staff will be able to advise you by email. This way, you will have an opportunity to rectify issues before the deadline and avoid any potential penalties.
The College of Midwives of Ontario’s Accommodation Policy outlines the circumstances in which accommodation may be required and describes the processes of providing accommodation. Prior to submitting a request for accommodation, please review the policy here.
If you are requesting accommodation, please submit your request as soon as possible and at least 15 business days before the October 1 College deadline. With the deadline of October 1, 2024, it would be best to submit your request no later than September 10, 2024.
Click here to access the submission form. Questions may be directed to Receipt of accommodation requests will be acknowledged within two business days.
Resignation requests can be submitted through the Registrant Portal or through the renewal application up to October 1.
If you have decided you no longer wish to continue as a Registered Midwife of the College for the new registration year beginning October 1, please enter the Registrant Portal and submit your resignation request with an effective date of no later than October 1.
This will ensure you do not incur any registration renewal fees and penalty fees for the new registration year. Once a request is received, the College will confirm the resignation in writing once processed. Resignations cannot be backdated.
Registration renewal fees and penalty fees will apply for resignations received after October 1 without a paid and submitted renewal form.
To assist you in making the decision to resign or renew your registration with the College, please review the Inactive and Resignation Fact Sheet
General Questions about Renewal
Any questions regarding renewal may be directed by email to or by phone to 416.640.2252 (Toll-free: 1 844.640.2252).
Please note the volume of emails and calls to the College during the renewal period is high, so if you send an email or leave a message, expect up to two business days for a response. If you do not receive a response within two business days, please contact the College again.
Remember, when contacting the College by phone, please clearly state your name, registration number, phone number, and reason for the call.
2024 Professional Development Portfolio FAQ
If you first registered with the College prior to October 2, 2021: You are in the third year of the cycle, and you will be reporting for the first time this year. See the frequently asked questions below for more information about the process this year. If your question hasn’t been answered here, read our page on the Professional Development Portfolio or send us an email at
Reporting midwives (midwives who registered on or before October 1, 2021), must declare that they have completed the requirements of their Professional Development Portfolio which include the Self-Assessment, Learning Plan, and Case Reviews
You will have the entire renewal period, which opens on August 1, 2024 and closes on October 1, 2024.
All midwives who are due to report in 2024 must declare their completion in the Registrant Portal. That is all that is required of reporting midwives prior to October 1, 2024.
Only midwives who are randomly selected for auditing will be required to submit their Learning Plan, Case Review Record, and supporting documentation of completed learning activities to the College of Midwives of Ontario. The College will inform midwives if they have been selected for audit after October 1, 2024.
We recommend saving your supporting documents somewhere that is easy for you to access in case you are chosen for the audit.
If you are not selected for the audit, you are not required to submit your Learning Plan, Case Review record and supporting documentation of completed learning activities to the College in this cycle of the Professional Development Portfolio.
The Professional Development Portfolio Audit is a review process to check that all required components of a midwife’s Professional Development Portfolio are submitted. The components include the Learning Plan, Case Review Record, and supporting documentation of completed learning activities. The College will only be checking to confirm that all necessary documentation is complete and submitted.
Twenty per cent of reporting midwives will be selected for the audit each year so we recommend keeping your documents somewhere easy to access in case you are selected. The midwives participating in the audit are selected randomly, and it is not a punitive measure in any way.
If you are part of the 20% of midwives who will be audited this year, you will be notified by the College after October 1. You will have 30 days following the notification to submit your Learning Plan, Case Review Record, and supporting documentation of completed learning activities in order to be compliant with the Quality Assurance Program. If you are selected for the audit, you will submit these documents via the Registrant Portal.
Midwives who submit their declaration of completion and are not randomly selected for review are considered compliant with the Professional Development Portfolio requirements. We will send a notice to confirm compliance with the Quality Assurance Program via email.
Midwives who submit their declaration of completion and are randomly selected for review must submit complete records by the assigned deadline to be considered compliant with the Professional Development Portfolio. Once we have reviewed your submission, we will send a notice to confirm compliance with the Quality Assurance Program via email.
If you have not submitted a declaration of completion by October 1, you will receive a written non-compliance notice from the Registrar of the College. Notice will be given in accordance with the Health Professions Procedural Code, Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), and the College’s By-laws. The notice will specify the reason for the non-compliance notice and the requirements to rectify this situation.
The notice provides 30 days for midwives to make a declaration of completion and to submit their completed Portfolio which may include the Learning Plan, the Case Review Record, and supporting documentation of completed learning activities.
If you encounter exceptional circumstances that prevent you from meeting the Portfolio requirements, you can apply for an exemption. While applications must be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the reporting deadline, we strongly recommend that midwives submit their request for exemption as soon as possible, as exemptions are not guaranteed. The exemption form can be accessed here.
On the College of Midwives of Ontario website, you can find all the information you need to successfully complete your portfolio, templates to use for documenting your learning activities and case reviews, and more. You can also reach out to with any questions about your Quality Assurance Program requirements.
Earlier this year we held webinars about the College’s Quality Assurance Program, including the Professional Development Portfolio. If you missed the webinar, or if you’d like to revisit part of the presentation, please take a look at the uploaded recording. We also have more FAQs on our website here.