These conditions will be in effect until the new registrant has practised in an established practice for a period of one year and attended a minimum of 30 births as a primary midwife, as well as 30 births as a second midwife. The new registrants must declare that they have completed the conditions and submit the new registrant’s clinical experience reporting form to the College.
One important change that Midwifery Practice Groups must be aware of is the impact on midwives currently in Supervised Practice.
Midwives currently in Supervised Practice will have the time they spent in an established practice and the number of births they attended up to May 31, 2019 counted towards their Supervised Practice requirements and their General with new registrant conditions requirements.
As of June 1, 2019, time spent, and births attended will only count towards meeting their Supervised Practice requirements. Once the midwife has fulfilled their Supervised Practice requirements, as outlined in their Supervision Plan, they will be registered as General with new registrant conditions and need to complete the remaining time at an established practice, and remaining births as primary and second midwife in accordance with the new registrant conditions before being issued a General certificate with no conditions.
For example:
If you were registered in Supervised Practice on August 1, 2018 and attended 20 births as primary midwife and 20 births as second midwife before June 1, 2019, you will have completed 10 of the 12 months at an established practice required and fulfilled 20 of the 30 births as both primary and second midwife required.
As of June 1, 2019, once you have completed your Supervised Practice requirements outlined in your Supervision Plan, you will only be required to complete two additional months at an established practice and 10 births as primary and 10 births as second midwife to meet the new registrant conditions. These births may not be attended with another new registrant, unless the new registrant has already met the condition of attending 30 births as primary and 30 births as second.
Another important change that Midwifery Practice Groups must be aware of is the impact on midwives who have a General certificate with new registrant conditions as of June 1, 2019.
Any midwives who receive their initial certificate of registration in the General class with new registrant conditions on or after June 1, 2019, may only attend births with another midwife who holds a General certificate without new registrant conditions, unless the new registrant has already met the condition of attending 30 births as primary and 30 births as second.
Those new registrants who receive their certificate before June 1, 2019 may continue to attend births with other new registrants up to 20% of the time in accordance with the former New Registrants Policy.
For more information and to read the policy in full, click here.