At the October 2 Board meeting, Directors reviewed governance changes, appointed the external auditor for the next fiscal year, and more.
The Board of the College of Midwives of Ontario
The College’s General By-law was updated effective August 1, 2024. Included in the changes to the By-law were several updates to language and definitions, including changing “Council” to “Board” and changing “Council Member” to “Board Director.” Going forward, our communications will reflect this change in terminology.
Board and Committee Training Day
On Tuesday, October 1, Board Directors and Committee Members attended a full-day training session. College staff presented workshops on the College’s and the health regulatory system’s legislative framework, College system partners, the midwifery landscape in Canada, and governance fundamentals, including a review of Director and Committee member fiduciary duties related to the governance code of conduct, conflict of interest, and confidentiality.
Governance Updates
The Executive Committee continues to oversee governance updates and modernization and this work was highlighted as part of the Executive Committee’s Report to the Board in October. At their most recent meeting, the Executive Committee reviewed the College’s Conflict of Interest Process for Board and Committee members, the Board’s continuous learning priorities, meeting and training feedback and considered proposed revisions to the College’s governance schedule. In addition, the Executive Committee brought forward recommendations regarding Board Director vacancies, committee composition, and meeting dates. All recommendations were approved by the Board.
Assessment of External Auditor
The Board voted to accept the conclusion and recommendations of the Executive Committee’s annual assessment of the auditor summary report, and to conduct an annual assessment next year. The Board also reappointed Hilborn LLP financial auditors as the College’s independent auditors for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Executive Committee Composition
In accordance with the College’s General By-law, the Board elected the Executive Committee of the College of Midwives of Ontario.
Between meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee has all the powers of the Board with respect to any matter that, in the Committee’s opinion, requires immediate attention, other than the making of the by-laws and regulations.
The Executive Committee also performs governance, audit and finance, and risk oversight responsibilities. The Executive Committee is composed of the chair, two vice-chairs, and two members-at-large.
Executive Committee Members
- Claire Ramlogan-Salanga, RM, Chair
- Edan Thomas, Vice-Chair (Professional)
- Donald Strickland, Vice-Chair (Public)
- Isabelle Milot, Professional-At-Large
- Tina Walia-Rao, Public-At-Large
Professional Board Director Vacancy
Following Naa Yoyo Nartey-Khama’s resignation from the Board, there is one vacancy on the Board for a Professional Director. The General By-law allows vacant seats to remain open when 12 months or less remain in the Director’s term. Given this allowance, the Board approved keeping this seat vacant until the next election. This decision will not impact the ability of the College or the Board to meet their mandates.