- This policy supports decision-making relating to shortfalls in active practice requirements. More specifically, the policy applies to General registrants with a shortfall of 40% or less in meeting active practice requirements under clause 12(1)1 of Regulation 168/11 under the Midwifery Act, 1991 (the “Regulation”).
- This policy does two things:
- it authorizes the Registrar to grant an exemption for extenuating circumstances under section 12(1)1 for active practice shortfalls of 40% or less in any one or a combination of categories ((1) primary community/out-of-hospital births plus seconds, (2) primary hospital births plus seconds, or (3) overall total births) and
- it significantly decreases the number of files requiring referral to a panel of the Registration Committee.
This policy applies to General registrants of the College who have a shortfall in meeting their active practice requirements where the shortfall is 40% or less in any one or a combination of categories of (1) primary community/out-of-hospital births plus seconds, (2) primary hospital births plus seconds, or (3) overall total births.
“Extenuating circumstances” – for the purposes of this policy, extenuating circumstances encompass a shortfall of 40% or less.
Policy Statement
- The Registration Committee (the “Committee”) automatically approves an exemption for active practice shortfalls of 40% or less for the purpose of clause 12(1)1 of the Regulation.
- The Committee’s approval under paragraph 1 above is approval of a panel of the Committee for the purpose of clause 12(1)1 of the Regulation.
- If a General registrant has a shortfall of greater than 40% in any one or a combination of categories ((1) primary community/out-of-hospital births plus seconds, (2) primary hospital births plus seconds, or (3) overall total births), the registrant will be referred to a panel of the Committee.
- The panel will make one or more of the following decisions:
- Exception granted (in extenuating circumstances under section 12 (1) of the Registration Regulation;
- Shortfall plan required under section 12(5) of the Registration Regulation;
- Term, condition or limitation imposed under section 12(5) of the Registration Regulation.
- If a registrant is referred to a panel of the Committee, they will: (a) receive notice of the referral, (b) have the opportunity to submit information to the panel for its consideration, and (c) receive brief reasons from the panel.
Registrar Authorization
- The Committee authorizes the Registrar to grant an exception for extenuating circumstances where the shortfall is 40% or less in any one or a combination of categories ((1) primary community/out-of-hospital births plus seconds, (2) primary hospital births plus seconds, or (3) overall total births) under clause 12(1) of the Regulation.
Policy Review and Orientation
- This policy is subject to the Committee’s annual review and approval. The Committee may approve revisions to the policy. New Committee members will receive education on the policy before any annual approval.
References (legislative and other)
Registration Regulation (O. Reg. 168/11) under the Midwifery Act, S.O. 1991, s. 12(1)1 and 12(5)
Conditions, general certificate
Approved by: Registration Committee
Approval date: June 9, 2023
Implementation Date: Immediately
Last reviewed and revised: n/a