Note: This article was originally published in our Summer/Autumn 2022 edition of our On Call newsletter and has not been updated.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Process (ADR)
The College first implemented its ADR program in 2019, and this year staff conducted a review of the program to determine its efficacy and where improvements could be made. At Council, the Inquiries, Complaints, and Reports Committee (ICRC) proposed changes to the way the College administers the ADR program.
Council approved the changes, which include expanding criteria to allow more complaints to be eligible for ADR when the practice or conduct concerns do not pose a serious risk of harm to clients and it is in the public interest to do so.
Effective October 1, 2022, the ADR Eligibility Policy was rescinded and replaced with the newly approved ADR Policy. The ADR Facilitator Policy was also revised, and its name was changed to the ADR Mediator Policy, effective October 1, 2022.
The College has also updated the Guide to Filing a Complaint to include information on ADR and removed the Guide to ADR as it is covered in the Guide to Filing a Complaint and the ADR Policy. The updated policies can be found on our website in the policies section here, and the new guide can be found on our website in the guides section here.
September Council Training
In September, we held a Council training session on equity and disability justice, with a presentation from David Leopsky, Chair of the Accessibility4Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance. Council discussed issues of accessibility and disability, and the role that regulatory bodies like the College have in policy-making.
Council also had a governance education session, reviewing the mandate and responsibilities of Council with a focus on statutory commitees and the function of panels.
Executive Committee
The College’s new Executive Committee was selected at the September Council meeting. Congratulations to Chair Claire Ramlogan-Salanga, Vice Chair (Public) Donald Strickland, Vice Chair (Professional) Edan Thomas, Member at Large (Public) Jacqueline Morrison, and Member at Large (Professional) Isabelle Milot. Thank you for your willingness to take on these important roles.