At its December meeting, Council made a number of important decisions regarding College standards of practice that will come into effect on June 1, 2021.
These changes follow two rounds of consultations with midwives, including a 9-week public consultation held last year during which midwives, the public and a wide range of stakeholders took the opportunity to provide feedback on our proposals.
The following changes were approved.
- The following standards of practice will be rescinded
- Consultation and Transfer of Care Standard (CTCS)
- When a Client Chooses Care Outside Midwifery Standards of Practice
- Delegation, Orders and Directives
- The following document will be implemented
- The Midwifery Scope of Practice describes the legislative scope of practice and will replace the CTCS.
- The following standards and guiding documents will be amended
- The Professional Standards for Midwives to:
- set minimum expectations for midwives after a transfer of care (standard #26)
- include additional standards on delegation (standard #31) and to revise the definition of “delegation” in the Glossary of Terms
- The Guideline on Ending the Midwife Client Relationship to provide guidance to midwives in situations when a client chooses care that falls below a standard of the profession.
- The Professional Standards for Midwives to:
How can I find out more about these changes?
More information about these changes is available here.
Any questions you have about the revised documents can be addressed to
The College will also be holding a webinar this spring to answer any outstanding questions midwives have about the legislative scope of practice. Please watch out for this opportunity to participate and have your questions answered.