Dear Midwives, I’m writing to you today as we launch our public consultation on proposed changes to the Fees and…
At its June meeting, the College of Midwives of Ontario Council voted to amend the Fees and Remuneration By-law. Fees will be increased to $2150 for general class of registration and $1075 for inactive class of registration, effective for this year’s renewal. Following this year’s increase, fees will then go up with inflation, at 2% per year.
This March, your College of Midwives of Ontario Council proposed a registration fee increase. If approved, this increase would bring the fees to $2150 for general class of registration and $1075 for inactive class of registration, effective for this year’s renewal. We would then move to increasing the annual fees by inflation, at 2% per year. While this was not an easy decision, it is necessary in order for the College to continue fulfilling its mandate of public protection and meeting the cost of regulation
This spring, the College is holding public consultations on changes to our Fees and Remuneration By-law, and our General By-law.…
Midwives can now download their official College tax receipts for 2017 from the Member Portal. Please log-in to the Member Portal and…
We are pleased to present our 2016-2017 College of Midwives of Ontario Annual Report. In the last fiscal year, we…