Midwives supervising students are accountable and responsible for clients in their care and for their professional decisions and actions. The…
Consultation with midwives, midwifery and regulatory organizations, and the public is an essential part of the College’s policy development process,…
The College’s Alternate Practice Arrangement (APA) program is no longer in place. See here for information on what has replaced our APA Type 1 and Type 2 programs.
The Second Birth Attendant standard sets out the College’s expectations for non-midwife attendants who provide intrapartum and postpartum care in the role of a second midwife. Currently, the College’s Second Birth Attendant standard applies only to midwifery practices in Alternate Practice Arrangements (APA 2) that grants “permission” to work below the College’s Model of Care standard that requires the attendance of two midwives at every birth.