The College first implemented its Alternative Dispute Resolution Process (ADR) program in 2019, and this year staff conducted a review…
Throughout the month of June, the College of Midwives of Ontario held its annual elections for three professional member positions…
Dear Midwives, I’m writing to you today as we launch our public consultation on proposed changes to the Fees and…
The College has decided to invite members of the public to join our committees as non-council members. Read below to learn our implementation plan.
We are pleased to present our College of Midwives of Ontario Annual Report for 2017-2018. We have been working towards our three-year strategic plan and report back on our strategic priorities in this report.
The College of Midwives of Ontario is seeking applications for appointment as a non-Council committee member to its statutory committees.…
The Ministry reviewed our initial submission, requested some more information, and asked that we survey the membership. We have now responded to the Ministry’s requests. You can read our response to the Ministry’s questions here.
The College is committed to fairness and transparency, and this commitment is why we post our decision making tools online. The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Non-Compliance Decision Making Tool was posted on our Decision Making Tools and Strategic Documents web page to allow members to understand the framework guiding QAP non-compliance decisions. The tool guides Quality Assurance Committee panels in their evaluation of a member’s demonstrated accountability to the QAP and ensures a transparent, consistent, and fair process.
In 2017, the Ontario Legislature approved Bill 87, The Protecting Patients Act, 2017. Bill 87 has come into force in…
This post is meant as a helpful reminder to members about your requirements to keep information up to date. It has…