The College of Midwives of Ontario will be holding Council elections from June 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, to fill two vacancies for professional member positions. Each term consists of a duration of three years. The next term will begin October 5, 2021. For more information on the election process, eligibility requirements and to access nomination forms, please read the Elections Guide.
The College’s Council makes regulatory decisions in the public interest. In order to make decisions truly reflective of the interests of all Ontarians, we require the expertise and perspectives of individuals with a variety of experiences that represent a range of communities. We recognize that currently, there is a lack of diverse representation in the composition of our Council.
We are particularly encouraging midwives from Indigenous, Black and racialized communities, marginalized communities, rural communities, as well as midwives who are internationally educated, or practising in expanded, collaborative and/or community health team models to run for election.
Upcoming Webinars
If you are considering putting your name forward for election, we invite you to join one of our upcoming lunch and learns, one on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 12 p.m. and one reserved for midwives from Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities to be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 12 p.m.
RSVP today
The webinars will be approximately an hour and include:
- Welcome from Claire Ramlogan-Salanga, Chair of Council and Kelly Dobbin, Registrar.
- Information about Council, the responsibilities of Council Members, and Council’s relationship with staff at the College.
- Answering pre-submitted questions.
- Open question and answers.
During the second webinar for midwives from Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities, only midwives, Council Members, and staff from those communities will remain for the question-and-answer periods. The webinars will not be recorded or broadcast live.
We will send the webinar link to all midwives who have registered for each date. Feel free to email questions in advance to or submit questions on the form. There will also be opportunities to ask questions during the webinar.
If you would like to ask a question anonymously, please use the form and do not provide your name or email address. (You will still need to complete the form a second time with your email address so that we are able to send you the registration link.)
RSVP for our upcoming webinars.
For more information, please see our website, or contact the Council Coordinator, Zahra Grant at 416-640-2252 ext. 227 or by email at