We are asking midwives to participate in a survey about replacing the current list of laboratory tests and the current list of prescription drugs with broader authority to order laboratory tests and prescription drugs (including controlled substances) that are in the scope of practice as defined by the Midwifery Act, 1991.
As you may know, the College made a submission to the Ministry in January 2018, formally requesting that midwives be given the authority to order laboratory tests and prescribe drugs according to the midwifery scope of practice rather than according to the current list structure. You can read more about the submission here.
The survey is designed to understand your experiences and gather your opinions to inform the next stage of the College’s submission to theLaboratories Regulation (R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 682) and the Designated Drugs Regulation (Ontario Regulation 884/93).
For the next part of our submission, we need feedback from midwives about your experience using the current lists; including how often midwives refer for laboratory testing and prescription drugs; how referrals influence care; and the potential impact of broader testing and prescribing authority on midwifery practice.
This survey should take about approximately 10 minutes. Your responses will remain confidential and will be combined with the responses of all survey participants when included in our submission to the Ministry.
We’re inviting responses to the survey for two weeks, and the last day to fill out the survey will be Friday June 8, 2018. Click here to access the survey.