Note: This article was originally posted in our August 2015 newsletter, and has not been updated.
As a registered midwife, you have a professional obligation to notify the College within 30 days of any change to:
- your name that differs from the College’s Public Register;
- your residential address, telephone number and personal email address;
- the name, business address and business telephone number of every practice with which you are affiliated, whether as a sole proprietor, a partner, an associate or in some other capacity as a Midwife;
- the name of each hospital, birth centre and health facility in Ontario where you have privileges, as well as the date that each privilege was granted and terminated
This is set out in article 15.06 of the College’s General By-Law.
The College relies on having accurate information about its members so that it can communicate with them effectively and regulate the profession in the public interest. The failure to provide accurate information to the College in a timely fashion may constitute professional misconduct under Ontario Regulation 388/09, made under the Midwifery Act, 1991. For further details about the information that members are required to provide to the College, please refer to Article 15 of the College’s General By-law. You can make all information changes through the Member Portal.
All comments are reviewed to ensure they meet the Posting Guidelines. Your name and email will never be published with your feedback, however, you may be identified as a member of the public, a midwife, or a stakeholder. Email addresses are required to ensure that individuals provide feedback only once. If you prefer to provide feedback using a different format, including email, or if you have any questions about the consultation, please contact us at