Note: This article was originally posted in our August 2016 newsletter, and has not been updated.
Midwives provide care to all residents of Ontario regardless of their OHIP or immigration status. Clients who are residents of Ontario are entitled to midwifery services and Midwifery Practice Groups are paid for this care. Midwifery Practice Groups are now able to access funding for the necessary lab services and other care related to pregnancy for uninsured clients. These tests include: referrals for anaesthetic, obstetric and other physician care, surgical assist (for caesarean section), lab work (including prenatal genetic testing), and ultrasound.
This important aspect of midwifery care in Ontario is also rooted in the Code of Ethics of the CMO in that midwives provide care which respects individuals’ needs, values and dignity, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.
All comments are reviewed to ensure they meet the Posting Guidelines. Your name and email will never be published with your feedback, however, you may be identified as a member of the public, a midwife, or a stakeholder. Email addresses are required to ensure that individuals provide feedback only once. If you prefer to provide feedback using a different format, including email, or if you have any questions about the consultation, please contact us at