Note: This article was originally posted in our August 2015 newsletter, and has not been updated.
The Quality Assurance Committee will be dedicating time over the next year to reviewing and revising the components of the QA Program including Self-Assessments Peer and Practice Assessments, and Quality of Care Evaluations. Community input will be needed to help identify best practices and develop an innovative and meaningful QA Program as the profession grows. So please stay tuned to learn more about how to get involved.
***Thank you to all new registrants who completed their QAP reporting. This is the first year where all General Registrants had to complete their QAP reporting and despite this program requirement being new, completion rates were higher than expected!
All comments are reviewed to ensure they meet the Posting Guidelines. Your name and email will never be published with your feedback, however, you may be identified as a member of the public, a midwife, or a stakeholder. Email addresses are required to ensure that individuals provide feedback only once. If you prefer to provide feedback using a different format, including email, or if you have any questions about the consultation, please contact us at