In light of the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, midwives will not be required to report on their participation in the Quality Assurance Program for the 2020-21 year.
Through the COVID-19 crisis, we have seen existing inequities in our province widen and deepen. The College’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion has remained steadfast and I would like to share a few updates from our work with you.
The College has spent the last year reflecting on the changes we have made as an organization, and the changes we need to make to fulfil our potential as a regulator. These discussions culminated at our March 24, 2021 meeting, where Council approved the College’s new strategic direction for 2021-2026, a plan we’ve called Working with Midwives, Working for the Public.
Our Council meetings are open to members and the public. If any of these highlights from the December and March meetings interest you, you can click to read more in the meeting materials.
Posting for a 13-month contract position at the College of Midwives of Ontario.
As we have previously shared, after consultations with midwives, stakeholders, and members of the public, the College has made some important changes regarding College standards of…
The College has just received a memo from the Ministry of Health providing information on new directives in effect in…
The College of Midwives of Ontario will be holding Council elections from June 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, to fill two vacancies for professional member positions. Each term consists of a duration of three years. The next term will begin October 5, 2021.
“How well are Ontario’s regulatory health colleges protecting the public interest?” the Ministry of Health is asking health profession regulators to answer this question with the newly developed College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF).
On October 9, 2019 the College of Midwives of Ontario’s (College) Council made two revisions to the College’s Prescribing and Administering Drugs…