The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) section of the College’s member portal is currently unavailable. For the time being, we suggest midwives personally track and record any QAP requirements and activities completed. An updated process and QAP record form will be available in the coming months.
member portal
All midwives are required to be up-to-date with their registration, Active Practice Reports, and Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Requirements. The period for renewal and for submitting reports starts August 1, and continues to October 1, 2018.
The deadline to complete the College’s Quality Assurance Program (QAP) requirements is October 1, 2018. You can log on to the member portal today to stay up-to-date with your QAP requirements.
This post is meant as a helpful reminder to members about your requirements to keep information up to date. It has…
In November 2016, the College held member focus groups in four locations across the province (Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay & Guelph) to discuss the Quality Assurance Program (QAP). We also reached out to rural and remote midwifery practice groups to obtain a better understanding of the challenges that members practicing in rural and remote environments face in meeting QAP reporting requirements.
We had some good feedback from our Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) article in our last newsletter, and wanted to take this opportunity to share a couple of new resources from Public Health Ontario. New Public Health resources that support the prevention and investigation of IPAC lapses can be found here. If you missed the original article and list of resources, click here.
All midwives are required to be up-to-date with their registration, Active Practice Reports, and Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Requirements. The period for renewal and for submitting reports starts today, August 1st, and continues to October 1st.
At the October Council meeting, Council decided to rescind the Practice Assessment Workbook (PAW) and the PAW Policies and Procedures document. As a result of this decision, the College will no longer randomly select members to complete the PAW and all PAW materials have been removed from the website. QAP reporting 2016-2017 is now open
Members are reminded to use the Member Portal to update their information on file with the College, including contact information, practice location(s), hospital and birth centre privileges and certifications. In accordance with Article of 14.06 of the College’s General By-law, members are required to inform the College of any change in information as noted below. Updating one’s information via the Member Portal would constitute having informed the College.
Current registration wallet-cards are now available for download through the Member Portal for the registration year ending September 30, 2017, for those members who submitted a complete renewal application to the College. Those members that did not submit a complete renewal application to the College have been notified by mail, and will only have access to a current registration wallet-card once any renewal issue has been resolved.