We’re making some changes to our Quality Assurance Program, and have updates to Fetal Health Surveillance, a new Self-Assessment Questionnaire and are looking for focus group participants.
The College of Midwives will be holding focus groups and is looking for midwives who are willing to participate. The…
Update on April 17, 2018: Thank you to everyone who has sent their application to the College. Members are still able…
We’ve posted the Quality Assurance Program Non-Compliance Decision-Making Tool to the Decision Making Tools and Strategic Documents section of our website. This…
Our Council meetings are open to members and the public. If any of these highlights from the December Council meeting, held December 12 and 13. interest you, you can click here to read more in the meeting materials.
The College of Midwives of Ontario is seeking candidates for the role of non-Council member for appointment to its statutory…
In November 2016, the College held member focus groups in four locations across the province (Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay & Guelph) to discuss the Quality Assurance Program (QAP). We also reached out to rural and remote midwifery practice groups to obtain a better understanding of the challenges that members practicing in rural and remote environments face in meeting QAP reporting requirements.
All midwives are required to be up-to-date with their registration, Active Practice Reports, and Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Requirements. The period for renewal and for submitting reports starts today, August 1st, and continues to October 1st.
At the October Council meeting, Council decided to rescind the Practice Assessment Workbook (PAW) and the PAW Policies and Procedures document. As a result of this decision, the College will no longer randomly select members to complete the PAW and all PAW materials have been removed from the website. QAP reporting 2016-2017 is now open
In the month of November, the College held four member forums throughout the province, in Ottawa, Toronto, Thunder Bay and Guelph, to discuss proposed changes to the midwifery scope of practice and regulations.